CBSE’s Uniform Pattern Of Assessment
The CBSE board had recently issued a circular according to which the CCE pattern has been scrapped from 2017-18 and a Uniform Pattern of Assessment has been applied to evaluate students from class VI – X. The motive being a uniform pattern of assessment by which it becomes simpler for students to accommodate with the evaluation pattern when they switch schools.
On having read this, many schools felt relieved. No more Continuous Assessment, no more Board Uploads and probably no need of a sophisticated software system to take care of evaluations and report cards !!
But here is the catch. When I met principals of few of the renowned schools, they were in a different set of worry altogether. The board says you need to assess on basis of cumulative syllabus/ portion but has given same weightage to periodic tests in term I as well as term II whereas term II syllabus is considerably more than that of term I.
Another concern; Assessment of Term II on entire syllabus after assessment of Term I without any intermediate assessment is unfair with the students as they have to study a substantial portion of syllabus without any intermediate preparation. So, there is a need of Mid Term Assessment to keep the students in touch with the syllabus.
To handle this situation many schools have come up with an assessment of Pre Mid Term, Mid Term and Post Mid Term for Periodic Tests where Pre Mid Term Will be Given the lowest weightage followed by a little higher weightage for Mid Term and highest weightage for Post Mid Term. Few schools have opted to choose best amongst these three and average them out or average all three of them.
For IX, the board does not expect to give Term I report. But The schools want the parents to be aware of their child’s progress and so have decided to issue report for Term I as well, where they show the non-converted marks of periodic tests (Pre Term and Mid Term) as that gives a clearer picture, where as for term 2 they intend to covert these and show it under periodic assessment header on 10.
All the above justifies why a school will still need a complex evaluation software if they intend to track and enhance the progress of their students and in turn their school.
All of this, yes that’s right!! All of this have been incorporated in eTechSchool, without a single line of new code. The advantage of having a parameter driven flexible and generic system. As a result our existing schools have had a smooth transition in adapting to the new evaluation pattern and setting it up in their very own eTechSchool.
Neha Deshmukh, Co-Founder and Product Head
eTechSchool - Lets Build Smart Schools.
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